College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan Apps

CPSP ePortal 1.0
Introduced first time in Pakistan byCPSP,e-logbook is one of a new generation web applications whichallowsdoctors to maintain log data anywhere. It has been developedinclose cooperation with the Trainee and Supervisor toprovidecomplete integration between Registration, Training andMonitoringthrough central database system, The post graduateresidents duringtheir residency are maintain logs electronicallyand theirsupervisors review the logs through e-Log, at theconclusion oftheir training period e-Log book entries available toexaminers fortheir review at the time of examination.
JCPSP eJournal 1.0
Journal of College of Physicians and SurgeonsPakistan (JCPSP), is the prestigious, peer reviewed monthlybio-medical journal of the country published regularly since 1991.College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan is the parent body ofthis Journal.